Every Student Succeeds Act


What is ESSA?

ESSA is the bipartisan measure reauthorizing the 50-year-old Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), the nation’s  longstanding commitment to equal opportunity for all students. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is taking the place of NCLB.

ESSA Criteria that Impact ELLs

After listening to Rebecca Vonderlack-Navarro’s informative presentation, Implications for ELLs under the New ESSA, delivered at the ITBE Fall Workshop, it was reaffirmed that as educators in the state of Illinois, we have much to consider when it comes to successfully educating our English Language Learners.

 Under ESSA, states will need to decide how to tackle these 4 criteria (among others!):

  1. Student achievement on academic assessments
  2. A measure of student growth on another academic indicator
  3. A non-academic indicator of school quality that is valid and reliable
  4. English Language Proficiency

Vonderlack-Navarro’s message was that this will be a complicated process considering the many differences among our English Language Learners.  These differences can include: age, time in country, language proficiency in L1 and in L2, access to quality education and socioeconomic level.

ESSA in Illinois

A new accountability system needs to be in place by August of 2017 which does not give the state much time.  Here is a link to isbe’s website for further information on ESSA.  Please note the Nov. 7 deadline to provide feedback on a current draft they have created.


Dr. Wayne E. Wright from Purdue University describes below differences we can expect between NCLB and ESSA.





About Sara

Expert Consultant in Bilingual Education for Multilingual Learners
I have dedicated my time to researching and learning how best to teach reading to Spanish-speaking students. My goal as an independent consultant is to empower teachers to know better and thus to do better.