When You Know Better You Do Better
In the 1990s, I began my teaching career in a bilingual first grade classroom with limited educational background in ESL and no specific training in Spanish literacy. Despite this, I was hired as a bilingual teacher due to my proficiency in Spanish as a second language. My initial year in a bilingual classroom was challenging as I lacked formal training in bilingual education and Spanish literacy instruction. During that time, I employed English literacy methodologies when teaching Spanish reading simply because I didn't know any better. Over time, I observed more effective bilingual teaching approaches in other classrooms, prompting me to delve into learning more about bilingual education. Ever since then, I have dedicated my time to research and continuous learning, striving to discover the most effective methods for teaching reading to Spanish-speaking students. As an independent consultant, my ultimate goal is to empower teachers to know better and, in turn, to enable them to do better in the classroom.
A Consultant with A Wide Array Of Experiences
Our lead consultant, Sara Knigge, is an accomplished educator with a diverse background that includes teaching in multi-age classrooms, ESL and bilingual settings, Spanish as a foreign language at the university level, sitting as chair of the ESL/Bilingual Endorsement program at the higher education level and as Director of a Title III National Professional Development Grant through the Office of English Language Acquisition and the US Department of Education. Sara brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her work.
As the owner of READ en español, Inc., Sara is committed to increasing the knowledge base and confidence of teachers who support multilingual learners. Sara has a deep understanding of the unique needs of emergent bilingual students and the strategies and techniques that can best support their learning.

Sara Knigge Builds Relationships with Teachers in Multilingual District
If you are a district leader seeking ways to increase capacity of your bilingual or ESL teachers, consider bringing on READ en español, Inc. consultants to conduct classroom observations. Consultants spend the day observing teacher’s natural lessons and debrief with the teachers on the same day. Teachers have expressed that this type of “not for consequence” observation is beneficial to their teaching. They feel comfortable asking questions and hearing suggestions on how they can make adjustments to lessons in order to make the content comprehensible to all learners.