Bilingual Education Support: Expert Guidance for Teachers & Administrators
At Read en español, Inc., we understand the challenges faced by teachers of multilingual learners in creating effective lessons that balance both content and language acquisition. That's why we offer individual classroom observation services, designed to benefit teachers as they reflect on their teaching practices and identify areas for improvement with a focus on improving outcomes for all students.
How We Support You
Many administrators are at a loss when it comes to providing feedback to their ESL or bilingual teachers. What are the expectations of teachers in a dual language, TBE or ESL environment and what should administrators be looking for? Our experienced consultants engage teachers in meaningful discussions around their current practices and which instructional strategies can be enhanced to better support the unique needs of multilingual learners. We customize observation tools to fit your program model and teacher populations. With our observation services, teachers get real time feedback on where their lesson could go next and suggestions on how to amplify the connection of language and content. Services include multiple teacher observations, individual teacher debriefings and a report to administrators on general trends observed in the classrooms.
Conduct class visits and conduct follow up consultations with teachers
Map out and plan for continued and strategic professional development for teachers in your program
Whether you have a Dual Language Program or TBE (Transitional Bilingual Education) Program or a TPI (Transitional Program of Instruction Model), teachers benefit from feedback on their current teaching practices. Sara Knigge uses a range of observational tools to engage teachers in a meaningful discussion around how teaching strategies and teacher clarity can be enhanced to better support the unique needs of multilingual learners.

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