Twitter. I was never going to “do” Twitter.
Twitter was for people who had way too much time on their hands and were only interested in pop culture. I had made derogatory comments towards hashtags by calling them “pound signs”—showing my age! In all honesty, the reason I caved was that I needed to expand my social media presence if I wanted to grow my small business. What I did not expect to find was a group of virtual people (or a “PLN”, professional learning network, as they say on Twitter) that would inspire me and help me grow as a professional in my area of interest (#ELL😊).
I discovered #ELLChat, #ELLChatBk_club and my mind was blown. I have participated in a number of Twitter chats and book clubs. I have copied into my Google Drive helpful documents that teachers have shared and I have posted links to my own materials for other educators to use. I consider myself a step beyond the novice Twitter user and wanted to spread the news of Twitter for Educators!
I mentioned to my PLN that I planned to write a blog on the wonders of Twitter and Jess Bell chimed in saying that she and Carlota Holder had written about Twitter usage in a guest blog post for a group called Confianza. So, instead of reinventing the wheel I thought I would spread their blog post to my local followers in the hopes that more educators will explore, create, share, tweet, retweet, learn and inspire other teachers to go into the classroom each day with excitement and confidence to teach our ELS!
Here is their blog post. Thanks, ladies, for making Twitter, not so scary!
Oh, and the hashtag and I are now friends.
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About Sara
Expert Consultant in Bilingual Education for Multilingual Learners
I have dedicated my time to researching and learning how best to teach reading to Spanish-speaking students. My goal as an independent consultant is to empower teachers to know better and thus to do better.