Co-teaching is on the rise when it comes to providing service to ELs. As Andrea Honigsfeld mentions in her latest book, the number one complaint of co-teaching remains: TIME. How can the monolingual teacher and the ESL teacher get together when planning time is so scarce? The Read Aloud Planning Template, in English and Spanish, serves as a communication tool between co-teacher and ESL teacher. Monolingual/Content area teacher initiates the collaboration. Monolingual teacher fills out the first two sections (listing book information and their purpose of reading) and lists the essential vocabulary specific to their content area found in the book/article on this planning template:
The ESL teacher fills out the next couple sections. ESL teacher reads book/article and decides which Tier 2 words and cognates would be helpful to point out to their ELs and which areas in the book/article might cause confusion (see the helpful checklist listing literacy topics that confuse ELs). The two teachers then work together to fill out the final two sections–how the teacher will tackle the read aloud (pages on which to stop and check for understanding or model a strategy) and extension activities to assign students. The “teacher talk and anticipated student response” section has another helpful checklist to make monolingual teachers aware of the various strategies they can implement to elicit student talk and develop oracy before, during and after reading.
This could all be done via google docs! Or it could simply be used as a planning sheet.
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About Sara
Expert Consultant in Bilingual Education for Multilingual Learners
I have dedicated my time to researching and learning how best to teach reading to Spanish-speaking students. My goal as an independent consultant is to empower teachers to know better and thus to do better.