Posts by sara23read
Our Book is at The Chalkboard Store!
I know many of you get an exhilarated feeling when you enter a teacher store! We are teachers and somehow genetically designed to like stickers more than the average person. Bulletin board borders, dice of various shapes, the perfect poster to accompany our unit on Matter…it all gets our hearts pumping! But when you are…
Read MoreEmpowering Students
In a recent article published on LinkedIn by one SIOP author (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) entitled, “Student Interaction Gone Awry”, Jana Echeverria explains how the art of engaging in conversation (Speaking and Listening Standards of CCSS) for many students is difficult. This rings particularly true for English Language Learners. Echeverria explains that the “Think Pair…
Read MoreThe Celebration!
“How many months did it take you and Mayra to complete your first book?” This was a question posed to us at the Q&A portion of our book launch event. We laughed because the word “months” was used instead of “years”. We quickly retorted that this labor of love was 6 years in the making! …
Read MoreThe BEST Way to Group Students
Seriously, this is the best way to group your students for multiple opportunities to use language! I found this idea on a blog many many years ago and recently tried to seek out the instructions to share during a Professional Development session I am providing. I could not find this specific page but shared the…
Read MoreEvery Student Succeeds Act
What is ESSA? ESSA is the bipartisan measure reauthorizing the 50-year-old Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), the nation’s longstanding commitment to equal opportunity for all students. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is taking the place of NCLB. ESSA Criteria that Impact ELLs After listening to Rebecca Vonderlack-Navarro’s informative presentation, Implications for ELLs under…
Read MoreTeacher Shortages
In a recent Washington Post article, Joe Heim speaks to the fact that there are teacher shortages across the country, ”…the shortages are disproportionately felt in special education, math and science, and in bilingual and English-language education.”. Linda Darling-Hammond, president of the Learning Policy Institute (and someone with whom in 2014 I shared an elevator…
Read MoreREAD is Here!
Mayra and I are so excited to finally have this project come to fruition. We hope that with this book, you as a teacher, feel better able to provide your students with practice in areas of literacy that are essential for beginning Spanish readers. WHY? Many people have asked what prompted us to start creating…
Read MoreOur bilingual education products and services are grounded in research
READ’s products and services are grounded in research. The benefits of bilingualism on cognition can only be reached when students take part in high-quality Dual Language or Bilingual programs. (Cummins, 1999, Barac, R. & Bialystok, E. 2012) Genesee, Lindholm-Leary, Saunders and Christian (2005) revealed major findings in studies showing that English literacy development can take…
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